Jago: A Life Underwater is a unique drama-documentary telling the life story of Rohani - an 80-year-old sea nomad. Rohani is an underwater hunter who has spent his life plying the waters of South East Asia’s Coral Triangle - living solely off what the ocean provides.
Winner of multiple awards, including the prestigious Grand Teton festival prize at the Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, and shot on location in the Togian Islands, in collaboration with local Bajau communities.
Director/ Producer
James Reed
1st AD
Johnny Langenheim
Stephen Hedle
Blair Wallace
Dubbing Mix
Ben Peace
Distributed by
Blue Ant International
Director/ Camera
James Morgan
U/W Camera
Mark Sharman
Robin Littlewood
Online Editors
Arun Hall, Joanne Curtis
Original Score
William Goodchild
Sam Rogers
Aerial and Additional Photography
Benjamin Sadd
Additional Editing
Andrew Netley
Sound Design
Tim Owens
Kwesi Edman, David Oliver, Nick Pullin, Joanna Swan, Emily Wilmot